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No. 59 (Winter 1964)


44      Fanny Ventadour: Toga Virilis

1       Don Gutteridge: The Martyr of the Long Sault
11      Milton Acorn: Nine Poems
17      Irving Layton: Stone-Splitters in Alicante
17      Heinz Fischer: Lost Nop
18      Elizabeth Whealy: Five Poems
19      Fred Cogswell: Winter
20      Mary Flagg: The Web
20      Dorothy Roberts: Two Poems
21      Elizabeth Brewster: Elegy for My Mother
22      Robert Gibbs: Outside Outside Inside Inside
23      Robert Nye: Eighteen Poems
34      Barbara Hammond: Two Poems
36      Joan Finnegan: Four Poems
39      Menke Katz: Poems in the Vault of a Bank
40      Gil Orlovitz: Waiting
42      Val Lyster: Time of Innocence
57      Lilian Symons: To Joan, Because She Is
58      M. E. Atwood: Fall and All
63      Guy Gauthier: Three Poems
64      Harry C. Dillow: Fragment for my Small Child
65      Tracy Thompson: Two Poems
66      K. V. Hertz: Two Poems
67      Sylvia Osterbind: A Child's Winter Song

68      Linda Welshimer Wagner: William Carlos Williams: Current Publications
          Pictures from Brueghel and Other Poems, New Directions Paperbook
          The Collected Later Poems, New Directions Paperbook
          Paterson, Books I-IV, New Directions Paperbook
          The Selected Poems of William Carlos Williams, introduction by Randall Jarrell

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