35 Judith Root: The Good Wife
1 Joan Finnigan: Four Poems
8 Ralph Cunningham: Of a Land and Fathers' Blood That Never Spoke It
17 Robert Cockburn: At Tay Creek
18 Robert Gibbs: The Death of My Father
19 Kay Smith: The Vagrant Heart
20 Robert Stewart: Two Poems
22 Ethel Harris: Two Poems
24 Lois Taylor Blackwell: Two Poems
25 P. Chesler: The Burden
26 George Murray: The Bronze Hero
27 Elizabeth Gourlay: In the Recovery Room
28 Terence Michael Brown: No Amount of Whistling
29 Rainer Maria Rilke (trans. K. W. Maurer): Experience of Death
30 John Drew: Two Poems
31 Annie Laura Jaggers: Two Poems
32 Raeburn Miller: Recapitulation
33 Louis Ginsberg: Two Poems
33 E. Kelso: Aspiration
34 Will H. Blackwell: The Statues Cry
34 Olive Robertson: 'Mwana Wamai' (The Son of his Mother)
35 Theodore Dimon: Like a Virgin Quaking Naked
44 Marquite Crevier: Two Poems
45 Nancy Fish: Two Poems
46 Gerald Fulton: Three Poems
47 Dorothy Grant: Who's Afraid of Albee
49 Thomas Tolnay: Winter Life
50 Barbara Hammond: Apples
51 Tracy Thompson: Five Poems
53 Alfred B. Cahen: W. L. S. C.
54 Lloyd Abbey: Three Poems
56 Dorothea Webb Anderson: When the Word is Said
56 Nicholas A. Virgilio: Haiku
57 Selma Brody: Three Poems
60 Terence Heywood: Outeniqua Yellowwood
61 A. M. Holder: Ornamental
62 Harry Bird: Requiem
62 J. Phoenice: Two Poems
63 Milton Acorn: An Acquaintance
64 Gil Orlovitz: Elegy
64 Robert M. Chute: The Old Man
65 Bruce Mowatt: We Shall Have No More Children
66 I. D. Trowell: Montreal— Spring '63
67 Elizabeth Brewster: Sonnet
68 Mary Humphrey Baldridge: Death
68 William P. O'Brien: Incident in a Country Churchyard
69 Michael Gregory: Feet
70 Fred Cogswell: Frye on Shakespeare, Northrop Frye
70 Robert Gibbs: Two Fiddlehead Books
The Suspended Landscape, Anne Kekes
A Dream of Lilies, Joan Finnegan
75 Alfred W. Purdy: A Pair of 10-Foot-Concrete Shoes
Near False Creek Mouth, Earle Birney
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