9 Alan Swenson: Eclipse
35 Hermann Hesse (trans. K. W. Maurer): Autumn in Tessin
54 Donald Cameron: Love by the Book
3 Stuart Dybek: Two Poems
5 Nils Peterson: This is The Truth
6 Peter Stevens: Two Poems
30 David Curry: For Lea Watson
31 J. MacLeod: Two Poems
33 Richard Emil Braun: Seeking to Explain
34 Robert Richards: Trinity
35 Herman Hesse (translated by K. W. Maurer): Autumn in Tessin
45 Dennis Trudell: Tunnel
47 Judith Johnson Sherwin: La Nature Morte de Samuel Becket
49 Jonathan Price: One Poem
50 Eric Gary Bond: Kind of Low
51 Dennis Trudell: Two Poems
53 W. A. Bauer: Four Poems
60 A. S. Hodge: The Unveiling
64 Peter Cooley: The Questiion
65 Wes Magee: Two Poems
67 Tom Wayman: Three Poems
70 Len Gasparini: Bela Lugosi
71 Gerald Baillargeon: Ennui
72 Emily Sion: Three Poems
74 Desmond Pacey: Shapes and Sounds, W. W. E. Ross
The Collected Poems of Anne Wilkinson, A. J. Smith
Drawings by Bruno Bobak
102 Contributors
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