23 Raymond Fraser: Chatham's Flying Saucer
44 Hugh Hood: The Tolstoy Pitch
70 Theodore Kitaif: The Arch-Criminal
93 Peter Chobanian: A Birthday for Panoz
4 David McFadden: Seven Poems
11 Richard Hornsey: Two Poems
13 Stuart Peterfreund: Driving North
15 Charles Lillard: False Creek Eye
16 Charles Black: Prominent Destruction
17 Robert Abell: Dark Unto Themselves
18 Douglas Barbour: Song of Wayland
21 W. Dobbins Ulrich: Two Poems
34 Douglas Flaherty: Ponce De Leon
35 I. Schram: Two Poems
37 Paul Mariah: Two Poems
42 Rick Smith: Two Poems
60 Tom Green: Two Poems
61 Winifred Macdonald: Two Poems
63 Craig Sterry: Three Poems
64 Clifton Whiten: From Suburbia, This Gloss
66 John Newlove: Four Poems
69 Len Gasparini: Two Poems
83 William Batterick: The Host
84 Joyce Odam: Three Poems
87 Mieszko Jan Skapski: Musical Chairs
88 John Ferns: Choc'late
90 George Bowering: Western Ontario Music
91 Stanley Cooperman: Pictures For A Historical Exhibition
99 Will Stubbs: Three Poems
104 Fred Cogswell: T. O. Now. The Young Toronto Poets, ed. Dennis Lee
106 Desmond Pacey: Wild Grape Wine, A. W. Purdy
108 D. P. Thomas: The Silence Between Notes
Selected Poems, Robin Skelton
110 Fred Cogswell: Lost and Found
Uncollected Poems, Raymond Souster
113 Fred Cogswell: Entrance to the Greenhouse, Joan Finnigan
115 Donald Cameron: Erebus, Robert Hunter
117 Robert Gibbs: The Animals in That Country, Margaret Atwood
119 Robert Gibbs: the united states of heaven/ gwendolyn papers/ that chainletter highway, Doug Fetherling
Heaven Take My Hand, David Weisstub
Drawings by Molly Lamb Bobak
102 Contributors
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