12 Barry Butson: Ups and Downs
29 John Metcalf: Robert, Standing
48 Anne Marriott: A Day Like Spring
6 Len Gasparini: Four Poems
8 Terry Crawford: Three Poems
16 Sheila Streit: You See San Francisco, O'Flynn
18 Peter Pacey: Two Poems
20 Elizabeth Brewster: Two Poems
22 Jack Crawford, Jr.: Three Poems
27 Bill Howell: Two Poems
28 Ian MacKinnon: Crows
37 John Bean: Friend of a Friend
38 Raymond Fraser: Parents of a Dog
39 Warren Slesinger: Two Poems
41 Susan Musgrave: Two Poems
44 Will Stubbs: Three Poems
47 David Steingass: Television Reports of Vietnam
52 George Bowering: Stab
64 Joseph Sherman: Letters from Earth to the Earth, David McFadden
The Welder's Arc, Stuart MacKinnon
67 Kent Thompson: New Canadian Writing 1968: (David Lewis Stein, Clark Blaise, David Godfrey), Clarke, Irwin
Cape Breton is The Thought Control of Canada, Ray Smith
Dance of the Happy Shades, Alice Munro
The Fire-Dwellers, Margaret Laurence
74 Robert Gibbs: I've Tasted My Blood, Milton Acorn
The Silences of Fire, Tom Marshall
The Shadow Maker, Gwendolyn MacEwan
The Kings Have Donner Their Final Mask, Malcolm Miller
79 Desmond Pacey: A Canadian Quintet
The Dark is not so Dark, R. G. Everson
Ixion's Wheel, Ralph Gustafson
Say Yes, Miriam Waddington
Ordinary Moving, Phyllis Gotinieb
The Sign of the Gunman, David Helwig
Ken Pittman
62 Contributors
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