9 Hugh Hood: The Singapore Hotel
26 Clark Blaise: A Class of New Canadians
40 Rudy Wiebe: Did Jesus Ever Laugh?
65 Peter Spielberg: Morning Sickness
84 Michael Brian Oliver: Haute Couture
17 Joyce Carol Oates: Two Poems
19 Michael Yates: The Great Bear Lake Meditations
23 Douglas Barbour: Three Poems
34 Kathleen Forsythe: Two Poems
35 George Little: Ice Fishing
36 Al Pittman: Three Poems
38 Sunyata MacLean: Poems of Solitude
53 Tim S. Holt: Two Poems
55 Sharon Lee Brown: Two Poems
57 Helen Sorrells: Two Poems
59 J. F. Wasserman: Sestina: In Response to Sandy
60 Dennis Trudell: Three Poems
63 Menke Katz: Three Poems
71 Jean Chatard (tr. Derk Wynand): Two Poems
73 Derk Wynand: Poem of the Bottle
74 David Ferguson: Day In
75 Geoffrey Holloway: Traveller's Joy
77 Peter Stevens: Son's Sun
78 W. J. Barnes: Two Poems
81 Eugene McNamara: Three Poems
Radio Drama
90 J. Michael Yates: The Calling
103 Kent Thompson: Fallout, Peter Such
The Telephone Pole, Russell Marois
Eating Out, John Sandman
Korsoniloff, Matt Cohen
108 Kent Thompson: A Bird in the House, Margaret Laurence
112 Peter Thomas: Anonymous Sins & Other Poems, Joyce Carol Oates
By the Light of the Silvery McLune: media parables, poems and other assults on the Interface, Lionel Kearns
115 Robert Cockburn: House of Hate, Percy James
118 Robert Gibbs: The Dark Is Not So Dark, Ronald Everson
122 Elizabeth Rodriguez: Books to be Noticed
Report on the Poet's Festival '70
124 Elizabeth Rodriguez: Bishop's University
Cover by Lucy Jarvis
Drawings by J. Maxwell
126 Contributors
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