3 Micere Githae: The Long Illness of Ex-Chief Kiti
50 Donald Cameron: Summertime
75 Fred Bonnie: Screwdriver
39 Charles Koltz: Three Poems
42 Emily Sion: Two Poems
43 Thomas Sexton: Two Poems
44 Bernice Ames: Two Poems
45 T. D. MacLulich: The Drowning Man
46 Jim Pasnak: The tongues of the polar bears...
47 Michael Patrick O'Connor: Two Poems
58 Brian Bartlett: Four Poems
62 Ted Kulik: Two Poems
64 John Paul Ellis: Two Poems
65 Michael MacMahon: Three Poems
70 Charles Edward Eaton: The Kite
71 Bill Meissner: Four Poems
87 Len Dickey: Two Poems
88 Philip Gallo: Field Trip
89 Ira Sadoff: Two Poems
90 Guy Ducornet and Fred Cogswell: Three Poems
93 John R. Reed: Two Poems
96 Marcia Nori: Two Poems
98 W. H. Rockett: Three Poems
102 Rienzi Crusz: The Sun-Man Encounters Ann Landers
104 Robert DiAntonio: The Ascension of Ralph Jones
106 Jim Woodfield: The Ecstasy of Rita Joe and Other Plays, George Ryga
108 Anthony Boxill: The New Ancestors, Dave Godfrey
110 Robert Gibbs: from a bell-tower, R. W. Stedingh
iron wind, William L. Fox
file of uncertainties, Andreas Schroeder
the plastic undergrowth, D. W. Frith
toys of death, Don Thompson
the harpo scrolls, Michael Finlay
in the meshes, Mieszko Jan Skapski
down under it all, Randy Tomlinson
the tree in the room, W. D. Ulrich
cultus coulee, Charles Lillard
negotiations with the universe, Ian Whitehouse
parallax, J. Michael Yates
private speech, Robin Skelton
119 M. Travis Lane: Moly, Thom Gunn
Poems of Define the Corona of Silence, Sunyata MacLean
126 John G. Moss: Whir of Gold, Sinclair Ross
Cover by Lucy Jarvis
Drawings by Fred Ross
131 Contributors
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