23 Peter Mitcham: Equal Opportunities
59 Leon Rooke: Quiet Enough My Life of Late
67 W. D. Valgardson: First Flight
4 Avi Boxer: Three Poems
6 T. J. Henighan: Three Poems
9 Jim Brodie: Three Poems
12 Sid Stephen: Three Poems
15 Kathleen Forsythe: Two Poems
16 Rienzi Crusz: Two Poems
19 Sunyata MacLean: Joyeux Nöel
36 Elizabeth Brewster: Five Poems
41 Ann Jones: Three Poems
44 Philip Gallo: Two Poems
46 D. H. Sullivan: Two Poems
48 Peter Richardson: Three Poems
52 Mike Estok: Ordination
55 Janice Blue: Perspectives
56 Toni Zimmerman: Tribute to Arshile Gorky
76 Marius Kociejowski: Three Poems
77 Judith Johnson Sherwin: Argument Two: Mirrors
79 Terrence Heath: Three Poems
80 William C. Cavanaugh: Iconoclast
81 David Solway: John
82 Ian Staveley: Death of a Possibility
83 William Virgil Davis: Two Poems
84 Tod Carney: I Stand Under
85 Calvin A. Lapp: Two Poems
87 John Millett: Mount Barrington
Film Script
89 Stephen Boston: The Joseph's Airplane Book
109 John Nugent: Touch/ Selected Poems 1960-1970, George Bowering
110 M. Travis Lane: Rare Mountain Air
Selected Poems 1954-1965, Phyllis Webb
114 Carole Spray: Bullets and Cathedrals, Brenda Fleet
116 Kent Thompson: The Fruit Man, The Meat Man & The Manager, Hugh Hood
Drawings by Bruno Bobak
Cover by Marjory Donaldson, The Old Observatory, U.N.B.
124 Contributors
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