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No. 93 (Spring 1972)


44     Beatrice Greene: Noise, Madness, All Unreasonable Things 
69     Kent Thompson: What Costumes Shall the New Man Wear
80                                 I Live in Canada
89                                 The Death Party

3       Joseph Sherman: Chaim the Slaughterer
26     Michael Patrick O'Connor: The Mongolian Arias
36     Tom Wayman: Two Poems
53     Fred Cogswell: The Event
56     Margo Swiss: Three Poems
59     Pat Lowther: Four Poems
63     Robert Read: Three Poems
66     George Amabile: Whiteshell Overcast

102   B. D. Barrie: In The Brown Cottage on Loughborough Lake, Joan Finnigan
103   Patricia Paget: The Day Before Tomorrow, David Helwig
107   T. Colson: Fourteen Stories High, ed. David Helwig and Tom Marshall
111   Richard Adams: My Bareness is Not Just My Body, Don Bailey
112   Mel Dagg: Magic Water, Tom Marshall
114   Peter Pacey: Between Tears and Laughter, Alden Nowlan
116   John Robert Sorfleet: The Great San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, John Robert Colombo

Drawings by Esther Bastow

118   Contributors

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