18 David Reiter: The Man Had a Wife
49 Leon Rooke: Harry the Tiger
81 Sharon Pollock: How Things Are
85 Helen Rosta: George
1 422-902-510 HB: from the 30th Coming
2 Brendan Galvin: Lesson Nine from the National Poetry School
3 Seymour Mayne: Cry of Segal, the Jewish Bird
4 Susan Musgrave: Eight Poems
11 Alden Nowlan: Three Poems
14 Anne Marriott: The Clock
34 M. Travis Lane: Spring Break-Up
36 Joe Hutchison: Six Poems
40 Micere (Githae) Mugo: Two Poems
43 Sean Virgo: Two Poems
45 Lorraine Vernon: Two Poems
47 Robert Kroetsch: Dogteam Race in Manitoba
67 C. H. Gervais: Four Poems
70 Mark Sarner: Two Poems
73 Rienzi Crusz: Two Poems
75 John Zanes: Two Poems
77 Richard McNulty: Three Poems
79 Michael Bronson: Acceptance
94 Donald M. Murray: Four Poems
97 Dan A. Barker: February Disguises
99 Marilyn Zanes: Town Greening
100 Jeannine Dobbs: The Hike
101 Brendan Galvin: Two Poems
103 Charles Lillard: Three Poems
106 M. Travis Lane: The Fundamental Question about Poetry
Selected Poems, Ralph Gustafson
Theme and Variations for Sounding Brass, Ralph Gustafson
114 John G. Moss: Scann, Robert Harlow
116 Joseph Sherman: Going Down Slow, John Metcalf
"Birds" by Anne Hale
119 Contributors
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