2 Beverley Mitchell: Letter from Sakaye
35 J. C. Stockdale: Better to Burn
41 Judith J. Ritter: Northshore
64 Lance Woolaver: The Fox Farm
16 Mike Finley: The Wash
17 Tom Wayman: The Country of Everyday
19 Sunyata MacLean: Two Poems
21 Victor Skretkowicz: A Pleasant Smoke
28 David Waltner-Toews: From the Eagle's Nest
29 Joseph McLeod: old men stand
30 Simon Leigh: The Old Duke Speaks
32 Gordon White: Two Poems
46 George Yemec: Three Poems
49 Fred Ryan: Three Poems
52 Rosalind MacPhee: Two Poems
54 Jeremy P. Long: Driftwood
55 John Bell: Poet Afterwards
57 John Miller: Two Poems
59 Ian Adam: The Harnessbells
60 Calvin Lapp: Three Poems
74 Len Gasparini: Two Poems
76 Rienzi Crusz: Again Vilma
77 John V. Hicks: Sunday 53
78 Martin S. Dworkin: Two Poems
80 Michael Bronson: Births and Deaths
81 Martin Reyto: Schubert and the white field of Janurary
83 Jim Colby: Two Poems
87 G. Traucht: Four Poems
92 Rui Afonso: I remember being a child
94 Desmond Pacey: The Dance is One, F. R. Scott
96 Beverley Mitchell: Collected Poems— The Two Seasons, Dorothy Livesay
Nine Poems of Farewell— 1972-1973, Dorothy Livesay
99 Stan Dragland: Lovers and Lesser Men, Irving Layton
103 Joseph Sherman: Waiting for Wayman, Tom Wayman
105 M. Travis Lane: The Trailing Cord, Peter Thomas
108 R. Frauq Hassan: The Tenants were Corrie and Tennie, Kent Thompson
Drawings by Noreen McCann
114 Contributors
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