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The UNB Reading Series Presents John Barton

The 2012-13 UNB Reading Series is proud to present John Barton, who returns to Fredericton to read from his newly released collection, For the Boy with the Eyes of the Virgin: Selected Poems.

Drawn from nine collections published over the last 30 years, the 38 poems in this retrospective reveal the poetic accomplishments of John Barton. This selection embraces his passion for art, literature, the city and nature, and it explores the role of love in contemporary society.

John Barton is the editor of The Malahat Review. He spent the 2010-11 academic year as UNB's Writer-in-residence. At that time, The Fiddlehead's editorial assistant Peter Forestell sat down with him for an interview.
You can listen to that Radio Fiddlehead podcast here.
The reading takes place on October 24 at 8pm in Tilley Hall's Bailey Auditorium. Books will be available for purchase.

The reading is free and open to the public.

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