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Announcing our 28th Annual Literary Contest

We are pleased to present the longlists for our 28th annual literary contest. Thank you to all writers who entered and congratulations to all of the following writers:


A.L. Bishop, "20/20"
Veronique Darwin, "Cabin in the Woods"
Peter Forestell, "The Longest Lobster Roll in the World"
Chris Graham-Rombough, "The Ticklefish Cotillion"
Jason Jobin, "A Town Over"
Isabelle Joubert, "Dandelion"
Mehr-Afarin Kohan "The House Keeper"
Alex Leslie, "Proud Boy"
Michael Maitland, "The Rabbit"
Gail Madjzoub, "The Daughter of the House"
Jacqueline Mastin, "Bone & Earth"
Jacqueline Mastin "Telling Lives"
Cara Nelissen, "Everything is Enough"
Ahmad Danny Ramadan, "My Name is Bridge"
William Wren, "Cats and Rats and Gooey Stuff"


David James Brock, "canada goose"
Paola Ferrante, "Monophobia is not a Fear of Flying"
Paola Ferrante, "Over 35"
Michael Fraser, "The Foragers"
Tess Liem, "An Oath Not Sworn"
Tess Liem, "Captioned"
Claire Matthews, "Oh, You're Bi? We Should Have a Threesome"
Claire Matthews, "Wild blueberry"
Nolan Natasha, "Wingspan"
Alycia Pirmohamed, "Avian Circulatory System"
Alycia Pirmohamed, "Replacements"
Anna Swanson, "Skinny Dipping in the Rain"
Anne Marie Todkill, "Audubon's Stroke"
Kim Trainor, "Paper Birch"
Daniel Tysdal, "Lift"

Stay tuned for announcement of results in April!

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