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Bob Armstrong’s Music Recommendation

Bob Armstrong’s Music Recommendation: 

Gillian Welch: Time (The Revelator) 

While I was writing my new novel (Prodigies, Five Star/Gale), set mostly in the American west in the 1870s, I listened to a lot of twangy, high and lonesome music. The unifying themes of this hauntingly beautiful album are the technological hubris and betrayal of hope running through American history. Welch weaves together the legends of John Henry (who pops up in my novel as well) and Casey Jones with the Titanic, the Dust Bowl and the destruction of music careers brought on by file sharing. All that, plus stunning guitar work by Welch’s collaborator David Rawlings.   

Bob Armstrong (, Twitter: @bobarmsnovelist) lives in Winnipeg, where he writes long and short fiction and creative non-fiction and works as a speechwriter. He’s been a reporter, PR professional, playwright, performer and environment impact report writer. His second novel, Prodigies (Five Star/Gale), was published in 2021. Bob's story "The Cancer Joke" is featured in the new Spring issue of The Fiddlehead.

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