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Stop! Look! Listen!

Stop! Look! Listen! is your one-stop destination for The Fiddlehead's cultural engagement.

Charlie Fiset's Reading Recommendations

My reading list tends to serve as research for what I’m writing and lately, because I have a few different projects on the go, my reading has been very eclectic. To take a note from Joseph Campbell, and I’ve taken many, the bulk of my list has been selected by telling myself “follow your bliss!” — a highly scientific process. This philosophy has taken me everywhere from Camus’ The Stranger to Robert Marasco’s Burnt Offerings.

Odd Sundays presents NaNoWriMo

November has been National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), and on Sunday, Dec. 4, odd sundays will offer local novel writers an opportunity to read from their work. So come to Corked Wine Bar, 83 Regent St. at 2 P.M. on Sunday, Dec. 4, to hear some of the Fredericton participants in NaNoWriMo 2016 read excerpts from their novels. 

An Interview with Richard Kelly Kemick

By Andrew Ramos

Richard Kelly Kemick’s story “This All Brings Me to Now” appears in the Autumn 2016 issue of The Fiddlehead. He has been published in literary magazines and journals across Canada and the United States, most recently in The Walrus, Maisonneuve, Carte Blanche, and Tin House. His debut collection of poetry, Caribou Run, appeared in spring 2016 from Goose Lane Editions. 

Poetry Co-editor Phillip Crymble wins The Puritan poetry prize!

Poetry co-editor Phillip Crymble has won The Puritan's Thomas Morton Memorial Prize for Poetry for his poem "Paydays." Judge Jan Zwicky says, "Phillip Crymble has a superb ear. 'Paydays' is a sophisticated piece of linguistic music, rooted in complex elegiac emotion." Read the poem and Zwicky's comments here

Congratulations Phillip!

UNB Reading Series Presents Canada Reads Winner Heather O'Neill

Heather O’Neill will be reading from her work this Friday, November 25th at 8pm in Carleton Hall room 139 on the UNB campus. The event is free to the public and all are welcome to attend.

Not only is Heather O’Neill a bestselling novelist, she is also a poet, shortstory writer, screenwriter, and essayist.

Books Received Recently

Here's a picture of the recent books received at the office. What are you most looking forward to reading? Tell us! Go to the comment field below (or to Facebook or Twitter)! 
M. Travis Lane, Heart on Fist: Essays and Reviews 1970-2016, edited by Shane Neilson (Palimpsest Press)
Shirley Graham, Shakespearean Blues (Mother Tongue Publishing)
Joahanna Skibsrud, The Description of the World (Wolsak and Wynn)
Julie Cameron Gray, Lady Crawford (Palimpsest Press)
Sanita Fezic, Psychomachia (Quattro Books)

Qwerty Reads at Wilser's Room on November 17

The first QWERTY READS event of the year is being held this Thursday, at 7 PM, in the Wilser's Room. Featuring readings from PhD students Michael Jessome, Matthew Gwathmey, and Rebecca Salazar, and a headline set from UNB writer-in-residence Robin Maharaj, who will be debuting some previously unheard material for the first time! Come witness history and celebrate Qwerty's transition into the Digital Age with the publication of Issue 35!
