Complete and Incomplete Lives Shirley Faessler: A Basket of Apples and other StoriesElizabeth Harvor: If Only We Could Drive Like This Forever
Imagining a Hero John Barton: West of Darkness: a Portrait of Emily CarrDouglas LePan: Weathering It: Complete Poems 1948-1987
Family Ties Gregory M. Cook: My Diary of Earth; Gary Geddes: Hong Kong Poems; Jean McCallion: Tough Roots; Steven Scobie: The Ballad of Isobel Gunn; Liliane Welch: Word-House of a Grandchild
Things That Last Elizabeth Brewster: Visitations; Elizabeth Gourlay: The Celluloid Barrette; Jean Mallinson: I Will Bring You Berries
A Train's Violent Anapest: Al Purdy and Others Al Purdy: The Collected Poems of Al Purdy; Peter Trower: The Slidingback Hills; Steve Noyes: Backing into Heaven
The Anglicization of a Quebec Poet Gilbert Langevin: Body of Night, (bilingual edition, tr. Marc Ploude)