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The Ribbon

One of the worst disasters to drench the town of Uxbridge in sorrow, pity and horror took place in February 1909.

Good-Bye Bibi

My mother is cutting my father's hair because it saves money.

The Scientist's Wife

Morton Barenbaum, a young chemist from Manchester, came to Canada for a summer to work in the laboratory of Dr. McAllister, the famous spectroscopist.


I live near the village in a boathouse swinging out over the water, the bottom barnacled like a whale's belly.

Sketches for a Story

In a small whitewashed hut on Crete I dream I am in the hold of a fishing boat near Winter Harbour, sorting the catch: smelt from salmon; dogfish cast to sea.

The Letters

Old Mrs. Carfax, Muriel Melton's mother, was, Muriel had realized, suffering her final illness, though she was not quite sure whether her mother knew it.


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