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Shortlist Announced for 2021 Ralph Gustafson Poetry Contest!














The Fiddlehead is pleased to announce the finalists of our 2021 Ralph Gustafson Poetry Contest, judged by Selina Boan, Matthew Gwathmey and Susan Musgrave! The winner of the $2000 contest prize will be announced on April 6 2022 and the winning poem will appear in the Spring 2022 issue (291). Thank you to all who entered and congratulations to the following finalists!

Contest finalists:

Lisa Baird — "Ode to the Ampersand"

Lisa Baird — "When whales went back to the water"

Kate Barss — "ghazal for the child we cannot make"

Kate Barss — "My Aunt Wants to Know When We’re Having Children"

Michael Fraser — "Things to Do around Halifax when you’re Black"

John Geddes — "Curfew"

Alexander Hollenberg — "origin story with blueberry"

Alexander Hollenberg — "the spruce crow remembers"

Ying Lee — "Attachment theory, with notes"

Marco Melfi — "The Faulty Porch Light"

Damen O'Brien — "The Stain"

Christina Shah — "they canned a good man today"

Maggie Yang — "Colors in a New World"

Maggie Yang — "Guitar Strings of Trees"

Maggie Yang — "Interlude of Bones'"


Subscribe to The Fiddlehead to enjoy the winning poem and more in our upcoming Spring issue!


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