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Current Issue: No. 302

An Interview with Sean Howard

By Rebecca Salazar

Sean Howard has won our 24th annual Ralph Gustafson Prize for Best Poem for "Cases (Unbound Poems, from Nova Scotia Reports)." Sean Howard is the author of Local Calls (Cape Breton University Press, 2009) and Incitements (Gaspereau Press, 2011). His poetry has been published in numerous Canadian and international magazines, nominated for a Pushcart Prize in the US, and anthologized in The Best Canadian Poetry in English (Tightrope Books, 2011 & 2014). Sean lives in the lobster-fishing village of Main-à-Dieu, Nova Scotia, and is adjunct professor of political science at Cape Breton University.

An Interview with Lisa Alward

By Reid Lodge

Lisa Alward has won The Fiddlehead's 24th annual Short Fiction Prize for her story "Cocktail." Originally from Halifax, Lisa Alward has a master’s degree in English from the University of London and was the Literary Press Group’s first sales manager. She presently lives in Fredericton, where she teaches courses in clear writing and has worked as an editor and freelance writer. She has been writing short fiction for three years. “Cocktail,” her second story to be published, is inspired by the cocktail party world of the sixties and early seventies.

Upcoming Readings by Fiddlehead contributors

The Confederation Centre Public Library in Charlottetown hosts book launches by Fiddlehead contributors M. Travis Lane and Zachariah Wells. Lane launches her new book, Crossover (Cormorant), her fifteenth, and Wells is launching his third book, Sum (Biblioasis) on May 9 at 2pm. Lane was featured in a special retrospective in last summer's poetry issue (no. 260), and Wells' most recent contribution was in No. 251 (Spring 2012).


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