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Current Issue: No. 300

2011-2012 Reading Series!

Below is the list of writers scheduled to read at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton during this academic year. All the readings are free! So if you are here in Fredericton (or coming by for a visit), take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to hear great Canadian authors reading from their new works.

Toasting the Summer Fiction Issue

A great time was had by all at the Toronto launch of The Fiddlehead’s Summer Fiction issue at the Dora Keogh Pub. It was a perfect setting for relaxing, having a cold drink, and listening to writers reading selections from their Fiddlehead stories and other works.

Pictured below, Leon Rooke and Rebecca Rosenblum entertain the crowd by reading from their Fiddlehead stories “Art of the Pig” and “Dream Inc.”


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