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Current Issue: No. 301

cStories: Read Mark Anthony Jarman's story for free!

Thomas Allen Publishers and Cormorant Books have a new ebook singles program called cStories,which will allow readers to purchase individual short stories and instantly download them to their favorite digital devices. As part of the"Get into Our Shorts" promotional launch of cStories, the story "A Nation Plays Chopsticks" by The Fiddlehead's fiction co-editor Mark Anthony Jarman is being serialized and available for free online both at Quill and Quire and the National Post's Afterword blog.

Taking Leave: Mindful Self-Reproach & the Repudiation of Cultural Gender Expectations in Danielle Deveraux’s “Playthings”

By Phillip Crymble A Review of Danielle Devereaux's Cardiogram (Baseline Press, 2011) The accolades for “Cardiogram”, the eponymous poem of Danielle Devereaux’s 2011 Baseline Press debut short collection have been many. From "Cardiogram"'s initial publication in The Fiddlehead 244 and subsequent inclusion in The Best Canadian Poetry in English 2011, to the attention it has received from reviewers at Salty Ink,, and elsewhere, it’s abundantly clear that this little poem has legs.


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