5 John Steffler: From The Afterlife of George Cartwright
30 Tessie Gillis: The Innocent
Tribute to Tessie Gillis by Jim Taylor
61 L. J. Bright: A Captive
85 Rai Berzins: Blown Tire
101 Brian Burke: Stop Time
17 beth goobie: eight, before definition
18 Bernadette Rule: The Circus People
19 Long Gone
20 With or Without
21 Widow's Needs
22 Daniel James Sundahl: Leaving the Quaker Graveyard
24 John Donlan: Play Dead
25 Spirit Life
26 John B. Lee: That Morning We Watched the Gray Cat Swim
28 Hired Man in Paradise
29 A Book of Days for My Sister
46 Sarah Klassen: Four Poems based on the life of Simonne Weil
51 Anna Synenko: God slips through my fingers like water
52 T. Berto: (murres) On the Edge
54 Diane Reid: The Dream Man
55 A Celebration
56 Robert Nagler: The Martyrdom of Saint Julita, . .
57 Hagiographies
58 "Kalashnikov" Street
59 Wm. Meyer Jr.: Texas Transfiguration
71 Jean McNeil: The Surrealist's Garden
76 David Winwood: System
77 Investments Adviser
78 Harold Rhenisch: Handy Words for a Primer on Visual Art
80 Predicting the Weather
82 Tana Williams Runyan: Sound, the memory
83 Transubstantiation: A Kitchen Ritual
91 Daniel O'Leary: A Grammar
94 Shari Andrews: Anything it Chooses to Own
95 Fifty Dollar Treasure
96 Penny Villegas: Barren Signs
97 Thomas Lannin: A Japanese Woman's Monologue on Salarymen
98 Richard Harvor: Heat
99 Eels
100 Thunderstorm
100 Box of Chocolates
Review Articles
111 M. Travis Lane: Voicing History
A Sense of History, John S. Hatcher
why isn't everybody dancing, Maara Haas
116 Bill Gaston: Quality Quirk: Two Canadian Collections
Limbo River, Stories by Rick Hillis
A Guide to Animal Behaviour, Douglas Glover
119 Robert Ian Scott: The Webs Defining Us
Calling Texas, Bert Almon
123 Contributors
Carol Taylor
Salome Danced
oil pastel, oil stick, acrylic wash, and pencil on heavy brown paper
12 x 7.7cm
Suzanne Hill: Ink drawings
16 undecided
45 falling figure
60 falling figure
84 undecided
Rick Hillis Limbo River
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