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Meet the Editors of the BIPOC Solidarities Issue - Rowan McCandless

As we receieve submissions for the upcoming BIPOC Solidarities special issue, we'll be featuring our wonderful team of editors who are working to bring the issue together. 

This special issue is meant as an opening, extending the invitation to BIPOC writers to transform the content and spirit of The Fiddlehead far beyond a single issue; this issue is a commitment to transformation and accountability.

Rowan McCandless - BIPOC Solidarities Special Issue Editor:

Rowan McCandless is the author of Persephone’s Children (Fall/2021). A proud creative outlier, Rowan weaves traditional literary techniques with subversive forms. As a Black, biracial daughter of multiple diasporas, Rowan likes to spend time with family and friends. Rowan writes from Winnipeg. Follow Rowan on Twitter (@rowanmccandless), Instagram (rowanmccandlesswrites) or online ( Rowan is the creative nonfiction editor for The Fiddlehead. 

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