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Ellis Scott's Music and Reading Recommendations

Ellis Scott's Music and Reading Recommendations:


Ascenseur pour l'échafaud by Miles Davis 

This soundtrack for Louis Malle's first feature film is a smoky, sultry and sizzling classic. Listen to it and pretend you are Jeanne Moreau strutting down the streets of the 8th arrondissement. What's better than that? 


When We Cease to Understand the World by Benjamin Labatut 

An astonishingly poetic and intimate novel about the nature of mathematics and personal destruction; easily the best thing I read last year. Labatut weaves intricate stories about the luminaries of modern physics into an Icarus fable, both terrifying and mesmerizing. Elegantly translated by Adrian Nathan West. It left me gobsmacked. 

Ellis Scott lives in Canada. His work has been published in The Iowa Review, Yolk, Into the Void, and Hair Trigger, among others. His first story, "Levies," was nominated for the 2020 Pushcart Prize. His story "Nemea" is featured in the all creative nonfiction issue of The Fiddlehead.


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