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Stop! Look! Listen!

Stop! Look! Listen!

Stop! Look! Listen! is your one-stop destination for The Fiddlehead's cultural engagement.

Phil Hall Available for Consultations as UNB Writer-in-Residence

Governor General’s Award winner and two-time nominee for the Griffin Poetry Prize Phil Hall will be serving as the University of New Brunswick’s Writer-in-Residence from Fall 2018 through Winter 2019. Phil is available to writers at the University of New Brunswick and the wider literary community for one-on-one or group consultations, workshops, and readings. His residency is sponsored by the University of New Brunswick Fredericton’s Department of English, Faculty of Arts, The Fiddlehead, the Canada Council for the Arts, and Arts New Brunswick.

Odd Sundays presents M. Travis Lane and Nathaniel G. Moore

Now into our fall 2018 season, odd sundays continues on Sunday, November 4 with a returning guest and a new one to our series. As usual we will gather at 2 PM at Corked Wine Bar, 83 Regent St. Our regular audience continues to grow, so come join in, get a drink from Charlotte, a book draw ticket and add your name to the Open Mic set. Make plans to attend and hear the fine work of Travis Lane and Nathaniel G. Moore. 

UNB Reading Series presents Soraya Peerbaye and Izza Hassan

Griffin Poetry Prize nominee Soraya Peerbaye and recent University of New Brunswick MA graduate Izza Hassan will be reading Thursday October 25 at 7:30pm in the Alumni Memorial Building Lounge at the University of New Brunswick – Fredericton. This event is sponsored by The University of New Brunswick Department of English, the University of New Brunswick Bookstore, The Fiddlehead, Icehouse Poetry, and The Canada Council for the Arts, and is free and open to the public. 

Summer 2018 Editorial

This summer poetry issue has been co-edited by Sue Sinclair and myself, Ross Leckie, and, as of the fall issue, Sue will be the new editor of The Fiddlehead. I am so excited to see where Sue will take The Fiddlehead. She is already percolating with new ideas, and is ready to shape The Fiddlehead to respond to the ever-evolving ways of conceiving Canadian literature and culture.
