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Pre-Order the Summer Creative Nonfiction Issue Now!

This year's highly anticipated Creative Nonfiction issue of The Fiddlehead is now available for pre-order! 

The issue, edited by Rowan McCandless, is dedicated to Creative Nonfiction and features exceptional work from authors such as Fiona Tinwei Lam, Megan Cole, Sena Moon, Tanis MacDonald, Isabella Wang and many more!

Pre-orders will be in the mail by the end of July. Don't miss your chance to reserve a copy today! 

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International Addresses


How do I order? My daughter will be published in it! Yay!

Hi Sheryl, That's exciting news! To pre-order online, you can click on either the Canadian Address or International Address link above. Alternatively, you can call 506-453-4978 to place an order over the phone. - Kelsey

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