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Sherry Coffey: Dauntless, Why I’m Here, Jill Frayne.

Who hasn’t wanted to be the fly on the wall of a therapist’s office? To hear the secrets people pay others to know? Jill Frayne’s Why I’m Here is a novel set in Whitehorse, Yukon, in 1995 and tells the story of Helen Cotillard, a counsellor who works at the only counselling agency in the Territory. Out of necessity, Helen “took all comers” in her practice. Her new client, Gale, is a scrappy and unhappy adolescent from Cobalt, Ontario, who is brought to therapy by her stepmother.

Chris Benjamin: MacLeod hits all his notes, Animal Person, Alexander MacLeod.

More than a decade ago, Alexander MacLeod showed unusual patience with his debut short story collection, Light Lifting. Patience in his delivery, care in his craft. Not a word out of place, some would say. The collection itself was the result of more than a decade of story writing and publishing one at a time in literary journals. Great short stories take time to master, and the bevy of jury recognitions his debut garnered was more indication MacLeod had put in the work. 

Congratulations to 2022 Fiction Contest Winner, Adèle Barclay!

We're excited to announce that Adèle Barclay is the winner of our 2022 Fiction Contest and $2000 prize! Their story Here Be Dragons ISO will be featured in the upcoming Winter issue of The Fiddlehead (FH294).

Adèle Barclay is the author of two poetry collections If I Were in a Cage I’d Reach Out for You, which won the 2017 Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize and Renaissance Normcore. She is currently working on fiction and creative nonfiction projects. They teach literature and writing at Capilano University. 
