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New "Arrivals and Departures" chapbook launch!

We're so excited to announce the launch of Arrivals and Departures: Objects | Food | Memories, the second in the Arrivals & Departures chapbook series! Arrivals and Departures emerges from two Fiddlehead-sponsored "Writing for Newcomers" workshops. The Fredericton workshop, Eat, Drink, Write, took place at the Multicultural Centre on November 2, 2019, and was facilitated by Salar Ghatta. The Halifax workshop, Arrivals and Departures: Objects, Memories and Transitions, was at Pier 21, the Canadian Museum of Immigration, on August 2, 2019. It was facilitated by Anthazia Kadir.

Interview With Creative Nonfiction Contest Winner Morgan Charles

Morgan Charles' story Plagued was the winner of our 2020 Creative Nonfiction Contest. Recently, editorial board member William Bonfiglio spoke to Morgan about compassion, helplessness and writing during a pandemic. 

Plagued is featured in our upcoming Fall Issue 285. Click Read more for the full interview! 

Revisiting our 2019 CNF Contest Winner!

Photo of Dafna Izenberg

Dafna Izenberg won the 2019 Creative Nonfiction Prize for “The Promised Language,” published in The Fiddlehead, No. 281 (Autumn 2019). Editorial Assistant Jaeden Langlois conducted the following interview with Dafna Izenberg about her relationship to the Hebrew language.

Remember The Fiddlehead's CNF Contest deadline is June 1st! You could win $2000! Ariel Gordon will judge the submissions.

Congratulations, finalist Fiddlehead authors and friends!

Congratulations to all the Fiddlehead authors and friends whose work has been shortlisted for 2020 Alberta Literary Awards and the Robert Kroetsch City of Edmonton Book Prize, both administered by the Writers’ Guild of Alberta to recognize the best literary works created or published in 2019 by Alberta and Edmonton authors.
