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Erin MacNair's Music Recommendation

Erin MacNair is a writer from North Vancouver, B.C. She’s published in The Walrus, EVENT, Pulp Literature, Prairie Fire, and various other journals. She's won awards for her fiction and non-fiction stories and is currently working on a short story collection and a novel. Her nonfiction piece Statute of Limitations will be published in the upcoming autumn issue of The Fiddlehead. Find her work at

Angie Macri's music recommendation

Angie Macri is the author of Underwater Panther (Southeast Missouri State University), winner of the Cowles Poetry Book Prize. Her recent work appears in Cherry Tree, NELLE, Sou’Wester and issue 286 of The Fiddlehead. An Arkansas Arts Council fellow, she lives in Hot Springs and teaches at Hendrix College. Find her online at  

What is Dustin Hoffman listening to?

Music recommendation from author Dustin Hoffman. 

Dustin M. Hoffman is the author of the story collections One-Hundred-Knuckled Fist (winner of the 2015 Prairie Schooner Book Prize) and No Good for Digging (Word West Press). He painted houses for ten years in Michigan and now teaches creative writing at Winthrop University in South Carolina. Hoffman's short fiction A Sky So Sharp was published in issue no. 285 of The Fiddlehead. 

Eleonore Schonmaier's Music Recommendations

Eleonore Schönmaier’s poetry has been published by The Fiddlehead many times, most recently in our 2020 Summer Poetry Issue. Her Field Guide to the Lost Flower of Crete is forthcoming in 2021 (MQUP). Her critically acclaimed Wavelengths of Your Song (MQUP) was published in German translation in 2020. In 2019 she won the National Broadsheet Contest. Her poetry has been widely anthologized including in Best Canadian Poetry. Find out more at!

What Geneviève Paiement is Listening To

Geneviève Paiement’s poetry, journalism and essays have appeared in Seneca Review, Tupelo Quarterly, the Literary Review of Canada, the Malahat Review, the New York Times, and elsewhere. She is a Canada Council for the Arts grant recipient and a candidate in the University of Guelph’s Creative Writing MFA program. Her Instagram is @manygenderedmompoems.  


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